Sunday, May 11, 2014

The 100 "Best" B Movies

Paste Magazine has come up with a list of the 100 "Best" B Movies.

What exactly is a B Movie?

Originally, they were the second half of a double-feature.  Double -features largely disappeared in the 1950's and the term began to be applied to films that shared characteristics with those second feature films.

The main characteristics of a "B" film are low budget and fast production time, and are meant for general release.

The other characteristics associated with "B" movies are often a result of the constraints imposed by the budget and time limitations.  (Bad acting, pathetic special effects, lousy shot selection etc.)

B movies are largely a thing of the past when it comes to theater release.  They still exist to some extent with straight-to-video and made for t.v. movies.  (SyFy "originals" come to mind.)

The "Best" B Movie according the Paste?  The 1987 film Hard Ticket to Hawaii.

I have never heard of this film before the Paste list, let alone watched it.

Plan 9 From Outer Space wound up at #11.  Check the list for yourself to see if there are really 10 B films better (or worse depending on your perspective.)

Hat Tip: Neatorama

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