Thursday, June 26, 2014

Origin of Commonly Used Science Fiction Terms

Ever wonder where those terms used in Science Fiction Books or Movies come from?

Well, someone at io9 has come up with a list of 31 terms and has done research into each of those terms, including the earliest known usage of each term.

(The list also includes some nice Sci-Fi pulp magazine cover art for those that like pretty pictures.)

If interested in the origin of terms not included in the list, head over to the Science Fiction Citations website.

For example, the word "blaster" first appears in a story published by Weird Tales in 1925, written by "Nictzin Dyalhis".  The author actually uses the term "blastor", but it's the same idea.  (There is speculation that he changed the spelling of his name when writing science fiction, but there is a WW 1 draft card and census bureau data with the same spelling.)

The entry for "blaster" includes a brief snippet from the story which includes the term.  It also includes the term "disintegrator".

The list does include some well known authors, with H.G. Wells having more than one entry on the list.

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