Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rise Of Mythos Starter's Guide

First, you'll need to decide which site to use when playing the game.  GameFuse, Kongregate and Facebook all have multiple game servers for Rise of Mythos.  If you play on one of these sites you will also need to select a derver to play on.  (You can have characters on more than one server, but you'll advance faster if you concentrate on one.)

Yahoo!, Armor Games and Miniclip only have one server.

Before choosing a site and server, I advise downloading the Google Chrome Web Browser.  It seems to handle the game better than other browsers.  If you wind up playing on a site that includes shockwave based advertisement on the same page as the one where the game is located, you may also want to install Adblock Plus.

After selecting your server, you will be presented with a starting screen asking for you to identify your character.  You'll need to select your character's gender (this has no impact on game play at this time) and then enter your character's name in the box below the gender selection tabs.

The character's name must be unique.  The server provides immediate feedback as you type on whether contents in the name box are unique or not.

Clicking Start loads the game.

The game's tutorial immediately begins once the game is loaded.  The tutorial will introduce you to basic game play as well as giving rewards.  Your character should be level 9 once the tutorial is complete.

The Tutorial

The tutorial is fairly easy to follow and largely self-explanatory.  It primarily consist of several fights, each introducing new battle concepts.

Playing Creatures

The first fight introduces the basic concept of playing creatures on the battle field.  Creatures are played by clicking on the card at the bottom of the screen and then clicking on the area of the field where the creature should be placed.  You can only play offensive creatures in the three spaces closest to your hero.  (Or to a fellow hero when playing with other players.)

The number on the top left is a card's Countdown cost.  It goes down by one every turn and can only be played when the number reaches zero.  The number on the bottom left is the creature's attack strength.  This is the amount of damage it inflicts when it attacks.  The number on the lower right is the creature's health.  This is the amount of damage it can take before dying.

The icon around the attack number indicates the type of damage inflicted.

Creatures can move two spaces per turn and attack creatures two paces in front of them, unless otherwise indicated on the card.

You end your turn by either pressing the "Space" bar on your keyboard or click on the "End Turn" button on the lower right of the screen.  This button also indicates the current turn number.

Special Abilities

Completing a tutorial fight will result in being rewarded with a new creature card.  These cards are used to introduce some of the special abilities available to Rise of Mythos creatures.

The first creature reward is an Elven Hunter.  This creature is used to introduce creatures that can attack at a greater range.  The Hunter can attack creatures up to 4 spaces in of it.

The next creature is a Human Guard.  This card introduces the concept of Armor (which reduces incoming damage) and introduces the concept of card rank.  The Guard has 2 Green cards instead of a single white star.  A 2 star Human Guard is more powerful than a Human Guard with 1 star, and less powerful than a Human Guard with 3 or more.  (They are all treated as the same card for deck building purposes.  You can only have 3 of the same type of card in your deck.)

A later card introduces you to Vigilance.  Creatures with this ability are not limited to attack creatures directly in front of them.  They can attack creatures located in any adjacent square, including behind them.  Vigilance is extremely useful when it comes to dealing with creatures that have gotten past your blockers and are now attacking you directly.

I have added numbers to the display the tutorial provides when discussing Vigilance.  Vigilance creatures have to decide which creature to attack when more than one is in attack range.  The number is the preference for that position.  The creature with vigilance will attack the enemy creature with the lowest priority number.  (Top priority is the creature directly behind it, at 1.)  I believe I have the numbers correct.


The tutorial also introduces Quests.  The Quest tab is on the bottom of the screen.  Clicking on it brings up the Quest window.  This lists all the quests currently available.

The reward for completing a quest is claimed by clicking the "Claim Reward" button.

Check the Quests available whenever you log in.  This helps keep you informed of any special events that provide special rewards if certain activities are completed.  (There are times when you get rubies for defeating specific bosses, which can be used to buy card packs.)  These are listed under Event Quests.

Keep an eye on the Daily Quests portion as well.  Completing these quests rewards 30 activity points.  50 points earns you a Gold reward.  (Gold can be used to buy cards at the Auction House or to buy card packs.)


The tutorial will also reward items that your hero can equip.  These items will increase certain stats, like your hero's ability to get a critical strike when using an attack skill.  Critical strikes do double damage.

Click on the "Hero" button at the bottom of the screen to access inventory.  This is located right next to the large "Shop" button.

Click on an item on the right side of the inventory and the click on the correct are on the left to equip it.  (Reverse to unequip.)


You don't get to select your hero's class until half-way through the tutorial. 

Clicking on a Class icon brings up a brief description of that Class and a button allowing you to select that Class.  The starting Class is not that important.  You can change class later using a class changing gem.  (This can be obtained for free by defeating bosses.)

Choosing a Class will reward a Skill usable by the chosen class.

Deck Building

The tutorial's deck building portion could provide a little more detail.

Clicking on the "Cards" button on the bottom of the playing screen brings up the Deck window.

Starting on the left side of this window:

Deck size provides information on the number of cards currently in the deck followed by maximum card size.  The maximum deck size increases as your character levels up until it reaches the current maximum of 30.  You must have at least the minimum number of cards indicated under this to use the deck in battle.

"Auto-Pick" results in the system creating a deck for you.  This works okay early on, but you'll want to build your own deck(s) after reaching a certain level.

"Deck Info" brings up information on the current deck.  This includes the number of cards per countdown cost, the total number of creature cards versus skill cards and the race of each creature in the deck.

The box at the top of the window includes the name of the deck.  The button next to it brings up the Deck Management window.

Clicking "Create" allows you to create a new deck.  Delete eliminates one that has already been created.  You can have multiple decks.  Placing a card in one deck does not prevent it from being used in a different deck.  All decks available will be listed in the management window.  Click on the deck and then click "Confirm" to choose it.

Newly created decks have no cards.  Click on a card on the right side of the screen to add it to your deck.  (Clicking on the left side removes it from the deck.)  Creature cards are sorted by race and skill cards are sorted by class.  Click on a tab on the far right to view a specific race or class.  (The Creatures/Skills buttons just to the left of the tabs switches between creature and skill card being displayed.)

The City

Completing the combat portion of the tutorial results in a brief introduction to the city.  The first building available is City Hall.  Click on it to enter.

You can collect taxes at City Hall.  This consists of Silver (used to purchase card packs) and crystal (for building new buildings and upgrading exiting ones.)

Upgrading City Hall increases the amount of Silver and Crystal collected from taxes.

You'll need to purchase a Novice Pack from the shop after levying taxes the first time.  Click the "Shop" button to do this.  Pay attention to the screen displaying the packs for sale.  There are arrows on either side of the packs currently displayed.  Clicking on the arrow will result in different packs being displayed.

Purchase a Novice pack and then click the Quest tab.

Claiming the rewards available should get you enough experience to trigger the Arena portion of the tutorial.

The Arena is where PvP (Player vs. Player) battles take place.  Engaging in enough PvP matches in a week will result in a reward of Gold and PvP medals.  Medals can be used to purchase certain skills or creatures.

Finishing your first Arena match ends the tutorial.

What you do next is up to you. 

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