Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jupiter Ascending: Space Elves and Winged Monkeys

Warner Bros. Pictures has released a new trailer for the upcoming Jupiter Ascending movie (set for release this July.)

To some extent it looks like fairly typical summer blockbuster fair. Lots of big budget special effects and a pedestrian plot.  (Exiled princess must reclaim her throne.)

Personally, I don't think the look of the alien that rescues the princess bodes well for the creativity of this movie.  Really?  Pointed ears is the best you can come up with?

Apparently the producers decided to take advantage of the Lord of the Rings success and go with Space Elves.  (Or Vulcan knock-offs for you Trekkies out there.)  They also apparently decided to steal from the latest T.V. craze and relocate elements from children's' books.  That monster looks suspiciously like a winged monkey.

You really can't tell how good a movie will be based on the trailer, but personally I didn't see anything to differentiate Jupiter Ascending from any other special effects heavy Sci-Fi movie released by Hollywood recently.

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