Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Looking for a Good Movie, Try This List.

Someone on Reddit (with a little too much time on their hands) has compiled a list of films that have garnered the most 9 at 10 scores at IMDB by year.  (The results are a little different from the highest rated film by year, as that result includes films that have only gotten a few votes.)

The film name provides a link to the IMDB web-site page for that film.

It's a good starting point when looking for a good movie.  The list isn't necessarily the "best" movie by year.  Some movies on the list have a lower rating than other movies made that year.  They just have more 9 or 10 ratings from voters.

For example: 1961 lists Breakfast at Tiffany's.  It has a 7.9 rating.  Yojimbo was also released in 1961.  It has an 8.6 rating. 

Hat Tip: AV Club

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